Jesus Christ is real. He loves you!
Thank you for choosing Jesus
Thank you for your choice.
Even the angels rejoice.
Luke 15:10
Now that you have chosen God, your life will change. That can be exciting, but it is very beautiful. Enjoy it.
IMPORTANT! Please leave as soon as possiblebaptize by immersion with water and ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit.
Repent of your sins. Sin no more. Stumbling happens to all of us, but you must have the will to sin no more. Ask God for the strength to make this happen. You will grow slowly.
Ask God every day if you can love Him more and if you can have more faith in Him.
Read a portion of the Bible every day and occasionally sit alone in front of Him. Starting your day with Him is also highly recommended.
Pray all day long. That's easier than you think. It doesn't mean you sit with your eyes closed and your hands folded all day. You can pray all day long by discussing with Him everything you do throughout the day. Include Him in everything you do and do all things as if for Him.
You will see that you slowly grow in faith and become closer to God. It's becoming more and more supernatural. God will teach you things and give you wisdom.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 says, “Examine everything,”
BUT:“Beware lest anyone deceive you.” This is what Jesus said in Matthew 24:4.
Ask God for help in everything you undertake. Always pray to God the Father, and ask all your questions in Jesus Christ mighty name. Your words will gain more authority over time. What you pray for will actually happen (unless you pray against God's will).
If you asked for the Holy Spirit and you received Him, let Him guide you. Read Romans 8.
The Holy Spirit is not a vague power. He is a person. He is God. Read Ephesians 4:30, 1 Corinthians 3:16
I strongly encourage you to find a local Pentecostal church where you can meet other Christians, help each other, and form close friendships. A world will open up for you.
If you have any questions or need help, you can always contact me. The videos on this website were also very valuable for other Christians to grow.
If you have chosen, please send me an e-mail. I would very much like to assist you and help you in your further growth towards God.
Do you have the conviction to be baptized immediately? Please complete the form below and we will contact you.
Best wishes.
Pascal de Graaf
Do you have the conviction to be baptized immediately? Please complete this form and we will contact you.
Good to know!
Baptism will always take place in consultation with you in a local church, usually on a Sunday.
The real baptism is not a sprinkling with a little water but you are completely immersed in a bath.
After baptism, hands are laid on so that the Holy Spirit of God comes upon you.
Some churches allow you to share your testimony publicly if you wish.
Bring friends and family if you like. It is a unique event that is nice to share with others. Your baptism can also encourage others to choose Jesus.
Bring an extra set of dry clothes.
Baptism? Make an appointment.

Connect with local Christians
Do you need to make contact with other people who have also chosen God?
You are now part of the body of Christ. It is advisable to plant yourself somewhere. There are people who can meet your needs, both spiritual and natural. Conversely, you can also help many other people with your life story and talents. This is possible in a local church. It may be exciting and awkward at first, but it will be an enormous enrichment in your life. You will build friends that last forever.
Appointment request
local Church